that I may fitly adore Thee

Your worship can be accepted and it can be rejected. Cain didn’t realise that giving, even his second best would become the unfavorable offering in Gods eyes.

I remember, years ago, at a Conference, there was a time of praise and worship, and a sweet melody was in the room, His Holy Spirit touching our hearts, all of a sudden, with my eyes closed and my hands in the air, I felt that God was impressing upon my heart, to kneel before Him in that auditorium, amidst all these strangers, who I guess were also in worship. But before considering to kneel, this option entered my mind and I thought why don’t I just check if other people are worshipping too, are kneeling, I might be the weird one who’s kneeling at this song that’s been sung multiple times.. the second I opened my eyes to check, I felt the Spirit of God tell me “you just cheapened your worship”, and I was done for.  

Worship is Gods love language. 

Now, when I think of worship, I can’t help but think of the poor widow in Mark 21: 41-44 who Jesus said gave the most at the soli bowl, because she gave all she had to live on. Even the first mention of Worship in Scripture is when Abraham was getting ready to sacrifice Isaac at the mountain, giving up being a father to his only heir. I think it’s clear that Worship isn’t a well thought out set list of songs that move our hearts enough to be sorry, or to be in awe, that, even with its good intentions, would be the most shallow use of the word, of the act. 
Worship has to cost you something, and not just anything, like Cain, it has to cost you your best, or don’t call it worship, call it something else. But God is clear, on what He sees as an acceptable offering, as acceptable worship. 

Worship is only worship when it costs you your plan A - Z, it's no afterthought like Cains, its not singing worship songs only in spaces where they're acceptable to be sung. It's slaying 100bulls, getting something for free and paying for it anyway!

When was the last time, being a Christian was inconvenient for you? When was the last time, honouring God actually cost you your best?

So here it is, we are living sacrifices. We each have the responsibility to build our alter before God, for Him alone, because His fire needs to rest on an alter, on a living sacrifice. If there is no sacrifice, you can’t have fire. 

Where there is no fire of God, there has been no worthy sacrifice made.

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God--this is your true and proper worship.
Romans 12: 1


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