Your worship can be accepted and it can be rejected. Cain didn’t realise that giving, even his second best would become the unfavorable offering in Gods eyes. I remember, years ago, at a Conference, there was a time of praise and worship, and a sweet melody was in the room, His Holy Spirit touching our hearts, all of a sudden, with my eyes closed and my hands in the air, I felt that God was impressing upon my heart, to kneel before Him in that auditorium, amidst all these strangers, who I guess were also in worship. But before considering to kneel, this option entered my mind and I thought why don’t I just check if other people are worshipping too, are kneeling, I might be the weird one who’s kneeling at this song that’s been sung multiple times.. the second I opened my eyes to check, I felt the Spirit of God tell me “ you just cheapened your worship ”, and I was done for. Worship is Gods love language. Now, when I think of worship, I can’t help but think o...
The first time I ever got so sick I was down in bed for four whole days Had to force myself to eat a tiny piece of Cassava a day, just so I can swallow my pills after. As soon as I felt the fatigue, cough and headache I took myself to Dr Yee Chief in flagstaff. She told me all she knew, checked my breathing and wrote some scribbles on a paper, encoded life that only the pharmacist could decipher I don’t know why I didn’t rush there this time See, when you first realize that you might have a mental illness Your immediate reaction isn’t to go see Dr Yee Chief in flagstaff It’s not due to the weather, who’s probably tired of being blamed left, right and centre here in Suva. You don’t even google search the symptoms cos google might tell you you’re dying and you might like it. Depending on anything and nothing, you sit there thinking, this makes sense and no s...
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