Love came running.

July 7th - 13th 2013 are seven days that I'll never forget.
My soul found freedom, love and meaning.

Any words said or written unfortunately fall short of what my brothers, sisters and I experienced with Jesus that week. Not only did we see the sick healed and the hungry fed, we were the hands and feet of that.
We were no longer standing on the side lines, seeing strong women and men of God go forth and set the captives free, we were His very hands and feet. I'm still in awe, now I know that God really would use anyone, I mean, a ridiculous sinner like me, He even used me.

Alot of things happened that week, but I'd just like to share 3 amazing things that has awakened my soul.

Number 1

Firstly, was the simple revelation of His intense and extravagant love.
We hear it alot right, "Jesus loves you, Jesus loves you". But I never really believed it, I thought He'd only love me, if I read His Word or prayed or didn't sin. These are all good things, but God doesn't base His love for me on anything that I've done or could ever do. You see, His love is too "expensive" you wouldn't be able to do enough good works to buy it, there'll never come a day where you would have prayed enough prayers, or read enough verses to earn His love. So you know what I did? I gave up.
See, God loves me freely whether or not I love Him back. He chose to give His son for me knowing fully that I might go through this life and hate Him. His love is not up for bribery, He doesn't use His love to get us to love Him back - He loves us because of one simple thing, He created us in His image.
So, God dealt with my foundations first, He said "Build your life on MY LOVE. I love you, I love you, I love you!" All this time, my foundations were built on My love for Him, which is the weakest foundation for a life.
Get this friend - His love for you was never and will never be based on your thoughts, actions, motives, desires, etc. Never ever, it's impossible. He loves you completely, without holding back anything, more than all the love we as humans can share to one another - you can multiply that by infinity.

Number 2.

The Thursday night of our camp, all the girls were asked to sit under the tent patiently while the boys prepared something for us in the hall. Doors shut and all, we weren't allowed to walk in that hall for about a good half hour. I thought they might be preparing a dance or skit, so I didn't think much of it. And then they called us in, we sat on the mat. And even before anything started, I just started sobbing, God was really pursuing my heart at that moment, and my brother Issac behind me was full on sobbing in his seat (Holy Spirit bomb already).
My brother Benji read a scripture aloud while Biu strummed something soft on his guitar. The scripture was on how Jesus washed his disciples feet. At which I was like "GAAAASSPP!!! Noooo waaaaay! They're gonna wash our feet??!!!"  (in my mind of course), my heart just gave up all the tears within me.
And then our brother Kirk got up and gave an apology to us women on behalf of all the men in our lives, there wasn't a dry eye in the room at this point. He apologised for all the men that had hurt us, rejected us and sexually abused us. He apologised on behalf of all the fathers and brothers that failed to protect us, that weren't there to be the strength that we needed.
Then we were each asked to go up and sit on a bench, while our brothers knelt before us and washed our feet, while praying for us, speaking beauty, speaking freedom, speaking healing and love as they washed, dried and oiled our dirty dirty feet. 

After all our feet were washed, these mighty men of God encircled us and prayed over us, they were genuinely crying out to God for us. For healing and restoration.
Then they knelt on their knees and did the Fijian "obo" which is the highest form of respect for us Pacific Islanders.
There was so much LOVE in that room. I wiped the tears off my brothers faces, as they cried and cried with us. They really told us that we're worthy, cos we're daughters of the KING of Kings. There was healing, love and freedom that night. And we walk in this boldly because Jesus died for it.

Number 3

Lastly. On our last day there. We had a war. satan lost, obviously, psh.
Two women that are close to my heart were being delivered from evil spirits. A reason why this is a highlight for me, was because I had never gone so quickly to that secret place with God. As soon as my heart cried out for them, I was there, before God, pleading, asking, begging, crying for deliverance, without fear but in complete faith. This was the first time I experienced something like that, t'was a spiritual warfare, and it was awesooooome! Jesus always wins, He just always always does.

There were many other experiences, it changed my life. 's still moving in my life after that week, that wasn't just a camp thing or because YWAM came down with Circuit Riders, it was truly a time with the Lord that I never knew could happen in my life.
So, in a few words, that was my 1week school of Circuit Riders.

My God's not dead,
He's surely alive!
He's living on the inside,
roaring like a LION!


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