
Showing posts from July, 2021

New Ground

  It's the weekend before the 3rd, and I find myself on new ground. I am still trying to understand the new sign posts here, bask in the sun without getting burnt, finally breathe without the stench of a prison cell in my chest. The air is fresh, the sun doesn't set and I miss Him I wonder, Did the Israelites ever miss seeing fresh manna in the desert? Did they learn that sometimes a hard rock doesn't give you a river? Do their children ask why the clouds in the sky are so high up,  and not right up front?  I know why the Lord brought them through the desert, 40 years, same sandles, same cloud because I know what the promised land doesn't show you. - A front row seat, to the Compassionate God , to the God who wept alongside Mary and Martha, to the God who is a whisper in the wind, no fire. Spoon feeding your bruised body, washing blood out your fresh wounds I am sitting on new ground, my prayer list is alot shorter and I miss Him