Love and Redemption

The theme tonight is Love and Redemption But all I wanted to write was: Love and Regret Love and Loss, Love and Death! I feel the tug of it often, thisssss poison, thissss medicine. Regret is too gaga for these lips But the flavor sticks Like how you might taste rum and cola in a solid coke Regrets made me wander . . The knife, or the rope? Knife or the rope Rope or slits on these wrists Slits or some lashes Lashes tearing skin Skin pierced hands Hands on a cross Cross on a hill No no no Ah Mercy kept saying No But at times I’ve wished That it would just let me go Just let me sink Into an abyss Let me finally have Life’s last kiss But every door to the abyss Every dream that came amiss Has found me nearer to Him still Every hope prolonged, Every heart ache that’s come and gone Has me in H...