Love came running.

July 7th - 13th 2013 are seven days that I'll never forget. My soul found freedom, love and meaning. Any words said or written unfortunately fall short of what my brothers, sisters and I experienced with Jesus that week. Not only did we see the sick healed and the hungry fed, we were the hands and feet of that. We were no longer standing on the side lines, seeing strong women and men of God go forth and set the captives free, we were His very hands and feet. I'm still in awe, now I know that God really would use anyone, I mean, a ridiculous sinner like me, He even used me. Alot of things happened that week, but I'd just like to share 3 amazing things that has awakened my soul. Number 1 Firstly, was the simple revelation of His intense and extravagant love. We hear it alot right, "Jesus loves you, Jesus loves you". But I never really believed it, I thought He 'd only love me, if I read His Word or prayed or didn't sin. These are all good things,...